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June 22nd, 2017

[Terminator 2]

Remember the old arcade game for Terminator, the one where you and a friend would pick up rifles and shoot at terminators? They remade it for the Amiga, I found this little gem a couple of days ago.

[Terminator 2]

Instead of a gun, you use your mouse. I much prefer the gun, but the mouse does pretty well. Playing it with the joy stick is difficult though, my daughter was playing alongside of me earlier, and she had a tough time targeting.

[Terminator 2]

This brings back a few memories, I miss arcades. I should build myself a MAME box, although I have read about people being able to run mame on an Amiga with a vampire card, that sounds pretty amazing to me. If one ever comes out for the 1200, I'll give it a shot.

[Terminator 2]

The first boss, he is pretty easy. You take out his rocket arm launchers, his head, then his body.

[Terminator 2]

This is as far as I get, you are trying to save John Connor, I think the premise is you are on your way to get to the time travelling device. I need to find a way to increase my credits because I'm pretty lousy at this game, unlike Zombie Apocalypse.

Other than that, I've been goofing around with the voice synthesizer. I can't really upload the things I have done with it, but it was pretty funny. My dog's reaction was hillarious, I swear it does not take much to entertain me.
